If the bra fits?

If the bra fits?

We are often told that 80% of women are not wearing the right size bra - that is a shocking statistic...but the real question is - why? How do we not know that our bras are not the right size? 

The problem is that we are not told what signs we need to look for. Here's a quick bra fitting guide - 

Band -

  • Should be snug, level front and back and shouldn't move around 
  • If your band is riding up your back it is too big
  • Shouldn't pull out further than 1½ inches from your body
  • Overspill - if your breast tissue is spilling over the top of your cup or under your arms, then you need a bigger cup (don't automatically go up in the back size)
  • Gore (centre of bra) should be sitting flat against the breast bone 
  • Underwire should be sitting underneath and to the back of your breast tissue
  • Shoulders digging in - your shoulders should not be carrying the weight of your breasts

These are NOT signs that your bra doesn't fit - 

  • Marks when your bra is taken off - your bra is meant to be snug, by nature this will leave marks (we call them sock marks)
  • Your bra feeling tight - this is perfectly natural, if you do not have a snug band, you will not get the support and lift you need. If you've been wearing the wrong size previously, this is bound to feel strange
  • Back bulges - your flesh is pliable, while getting the right size will definitely reduce the amount of excess, your body will naturally shape itself around the elastic of your band. Back bulges are totally natural, unfortunately we are shown so many photoshopped images we are led to believe that they can be eliminated!

Remember, your bra will stretch, so the first time you wear it, it is the tightest it will ever be. Enjoy the feeling of getting a bra that lifts your girls properly, that takes the weight off your shoulders, and creates a fantastic foundation for everything you wear!

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Hey there. My name is Penci. I was born with the love for traveling. I also love taking photos with